The Life Of A Fire Fighter

Shelley! | Shout Outs | Me! | My Car | Pictures | Poems

Hello, I'm James and this is my personal web site. I would like to welcome you and invite you in. Through out the site their is a lot of information on myself and my intrests. Please stay a while and don't forget to sign the guest book located at the bottem left of this page. E-mail me if you have any questions or concerns about this site or any information listed here @ and I'll get back to you. Please read notice below upon entering!!!

Warning: Some of the pictures or language used in my site may not be appropriate for children under thirteen years of age. Enter at your own risk!

Web Site Built October 2nd 2001.

What I want mine to look like

Guest Book

9/11,01 is a date in history that everyone should remember. Being in the Fire Department makes you think of it even more. Knowing what happens at a call like that is scary. I couldn't even think of how the first due fire fighters felt.God Bless America

Last Updated 7/6,02